Friday, January 15, 2010

details of the rally

The first ever in jaipur “raj car rally with the visually challenged” is going to be held on Sunday, the 17th of January.
Since this is the first of it’s kind experience for the city, here are few details about the event for those who are interested to know.

Every time we help the blind cross the road, they put their 'faith' in us, but now, it is payback time and this rally is designed to ask us to put our ‘blind faith’ in their 'navigational skills' using a braille navigation chart.
The tulip chart (driving instructions chart) is given in Braille which a sighted person cannot read. So the visually challenged navigator reads out the instructions on the speed, directions, etc which guides the car thru the streets of jaipur to the finish. (something similar to World Rally Championship or WRC where navigators guide drivers, But WRC is considered an EXTREME SPEED event for SKILLED DRIVERS while the "raj car rally with visually challenged" is more a TIME_SPEED_DISTANCE rally.

Here is how the tulip chart reads... in brail... for e.g..

Speed change 0.00 to 3.50 Kms. Travel at 30 Kmph
0.00 Zero Odo at gate and turn left onto main road.
0.50 Traffic signal take left.
1.80 T junction take left
2.30 Turn right keeping Sangeeta Restaurant on your left.etc.

the key is that only those can success who put their trust on the skilled visually challenged person who is guiding the car.

A very interesting rally covers about 40 kms in pink city and helps several visually challenged people 'see' how we 'sighted' people react when we get lost or clueless as to where we are going.
In fact, the idea behind the whole event is more versatile as it showcases the abilities of visually challenged persons to the society and gives them a strong message to recognize visually challenged persons as a part of their community.

the rally organizing team.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you seeking your information.