Wednesday, January 20, 2010

we'd love to hear from you

as we are saying it incessantly, the ”raj car rally with visually challenged” was a cool, and awesome event.
But, what fun if we ourselves eulogize of it.
If you have visited, contributed, or participated in the event in any mean, we’d love to hear from you.
Did you like the event? How was the whole experience of navigating/driving?
How did you feel to see this unique activity happening, so on, and so on.
Please, have your say, and share your memories/experiences/feedback about the event.
You can leave your comments to convey your words.
Please find a few spare moments to write down something, it’ll help us in analyzing the domino effects, and most importantly, whether or not we should organize the same event next time.
We’ll look forward to hear from you.

The rally organizing team.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, I am Surya Prakash Sharma, working as a lecturer in Political Science. being a participant as a visually impaired navigator in the first ever car rally with the visually impaired persons held on
17th of January in Jaipur, I enjoyed the event very much. I am sure that the well known persons from all walks of life who drove cars on the instructions of their navigators must be of the opinion that visual impairment cannot become a permanent obstacle on the way to success. it was a great experience to navigate those who have navigated the society in their respective areas. thanks to the organizers and sponsors who gave us an opportunity to show our capabilities. Please keep it up.
I would also like to express my gratitudes towards the Jaipur ightes who spent their precious time for the cause.
As far as suggestions are concerned, I would like to suggest:
1. mementoes must be given away to the drivers also.
2. there was no involvement of the ordinary public in the event.